Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Message from Hy about the Design Meeting on 12.09.08

Today's meeting was good. Thank you all for you enthusiasm, your
terrific ideas, and your willingness to take on parts of this
project. Let's keep touch and inform each other of the things we are
working on.
Tomorrow evening @6 I meet with Frank Baseman and his students to
introduce the project to them. They will be handling many of the
graphic aspects including long term documentation leading to a book on
this project. You are all welcome to come with me to the meeting.
We'll be meeting in what they call Lab 3--closest graphic design class
to the office at their end of Hayward. If enough of you want to join
me we can perhaps bring our model along. Anyone who is interested let
me know.

Has anyone let Frank know that he is our light and pattern man?
I will be working on a final design for the board holders and some
pricing on them.


1 comment:

Lace Futures said...
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